Palatino Pricer XT ersion 1.0 3 4 9 1 - 1 Palatino Copyright 1993 V ision s Edge, Inc. *Portions copyright 1987-1992 Quark, Inc. All Rights Reserved. License Agr eement package (the 8ogram ), and licenses its use on the terms stated below: e m a i n s with V ision s Edge, Inc.; which the Pr 0ogram is designed to operate, except that the Pr ogram may be used only on one computer at any one time; copy the Pr ogram into machine-r :eadable form for backup purposes in support of your use of the Pr ogram. (Any portion of this Pr ogram mer ,ged into or used in conjunction with another conditions of this agr eement.); other person; )>9This license terminates if you fail to comply with any pr ovision of this Agr L eement. Y ou agr g e d portions in any form. Macintosh is a r egister ed trademark of Apple Computer , Inc. Disclaimer g,Quark, Inc. makes no warranties, either expr essed or implied, r ding the enclosed comput er softwar e package, its mer chantability B, or its fitness for any particular purpose. Quark, Inc. disclaims Sall warranties including, but not limited to, the warranties of the distributors, r etailers and developers of the enclosed softwar e c t , enclosed softwar 1actually paid for the use of the enclosed softwar lar developers. Pricer XT Palatino oduction Pricer XT is an XT ension for QuarkXPr version 3.1 and higher . Pricer XT allows the user to e f e r (price format within the document. The XT %ension includes a batch format featur e which formats every ,price in the document with a single command. Minimum System Requir ements "Pricer XT is designed for QuarkXPr ess 3.1. Pricer XT is network pr +otected and is fully compatible with floppy , RAM, or har d disks. o c e d u r gbasic use of the mouse, clicking, pulling down menus, copying files, and copying disks. If any of these ocedur es ar e new to you, please r efer to your Macintosh user s manual. Installing Pricer XT 8done, place the original Pricer XT disk in a safe place. Setting the Pricer XT Pr ences 5The formatting Pricer XT applies to prices is set thr ough a dialog. T o access the Pricer XT pr P r e f e r e n c e s h i e r a r e s s menu. h The Pricer XT preferences dialog e f e r f e r o l s include: ol keys with another character . Enter a unique keyboar d command to avoid conflicts. a b l e tables. Pricer XT Palatino underlined in this price: Superior After Radix check box. Superior $ and check box JChecking this box causes Pricer XT to apply the superior text attribute to appears as bthe radix (decimal point) in the price have the superior text attribute applied to them. (Example: *=;The cents value of is made superior in this price: $39 ) The Superior After Radix check box is meant to be used with the Delete Radix check box. No Confirmation check box *If this check box is checked, Pricer XT Change All Prices featur e formats should be formatted. =acters which do not have the superior style applied to them. Editing the Pricer XT Kerning T a b l e e f e r seconds for the dialog to appear F. The edit kerning table dialog makes it easy to set up custom kerning *tables which apply only to prices which ar 8e formatted to include the superior character attribute. $'The Pricer XT Edit Kerning Table dialog F o n t s l i s t a scr olling Kerning Pairs list. Pricer XT Palatino +o set a value for a particular kerning pair , follow these steps: Select the pair fr om the Kerning Pairs list. a l u e dialog. Click the Update 6button to apply the value to the selected kerning pair o c e d u r S a v e taining the QuarkXPr ess application. (Applying Pricer XT Formatting to a Price U t i l i t i e s e f e r the price. 1'Pricer XT warns when the text selected is not identifiable as a price e f e r Utilities menu to activate the XT ension. 9Applying Pricer XT Formatting to all Prices in a Document U t i l i t i e s #menu. Depending upon the way the XT ension ences ar )e set, Pricer XT handles global price for matting one of two ways. e f e r e n s i o n f e a )A"e defines a price as any number pr N